October 5, 2007

Updates from the edge of the border....

Well as you all have guessed we have been busy and if you mean by busy not really doing that much you have guessed correctly. Things here on the edge of Mexico (actually we are about 7 hours from the border) are doing very well. As you can see from the families other blogs we had some visitors here at the Huffelranch and we had a great time. We had scheduled my mom to fly in over the Labor Day holiday because well she wanted to see the house and we thought free baby sitter and night out for the parents. I arrived at the airport to retrieve my mom and in typical Carolyn fashion she arrived with a lot of fanfare in the form of a young man chasing her up the ramp with a wheelchair trying to get her to sit down in it. Despite my mom's best efforts to shew him off he literally kept circling her until she finally gave in and accepted his offer of a ride to the top of the ramp. Much to her displeasure he insisted in buckling her into it and then racing her to baggage claim. It was quite a site to behold. Lucky for my mom we were having a cold streak here in Texas and it was a nice chilly 96 degrees for our walk to the car.

Later that evening after packing her in ice to cool her down we sat down for a quiet dinner and a little chat. We talked about everything that had been going in my mom's world except for her little secret. It seems that her and Kim and planned a sneak invasion of the Huffelranch. And at 10:30 on Friday night our door bell rings. This is odd because no one has ever rung the bell at 10:30 I go to see who it is and no one is there. Then as I am looking out the window it rings again. This time I see someone waving from the sidewalk and a little boy pokes his head from the corner of the doorway which literally scared the hair on my face white. (actually it was already pretty white but this finished the job). It seems that Kim and her boys were at Wendy's in Columbus made a wrong turn and 14 hours later before they could find a place to turn around they found themselves at our doorstep. At first I thought they were just trying to figure a way back to the interstate but it seems the came for a visit and my mom who has never been a great secret keeper had kept one. Our Huffellites were sound asleep but were shocked to see their cousins asleep in next room. The played just like I remember playing with Kelley, Jason and Andrea (except no one lost a tooth in anyones head) when I was but a wee lad. It was great visit and we sure enjoyed our time together!

Let's see what else has happened since last I posted....Kaitlyn started school and she loves it. With the move coming after she had made so many friends we were worried about what type of class she would get and would the teacher be nice and all of the usual stuff. What Kaitlyn got was a great teacher who believes the best way to teach is to make everything a song or a cheer. Kaitlyn thinks that this is great and we love hearing the songs we are just glad that this teacher will not be teaching her sex ed class as she gets older. I am not sure I want Kaitlyn coming home saying...
who do we not want to date

that's all I have for that cheer but which is probably is best.

Tyler is up to being Tyler. He and Josh decided that they are best friends. And Tyler thinks that we can just drive down the street to Josh's house and they can play. He is also currently fascinated with the word "butt". Everything he says he usually finds someway to work the word butt into it. For example, we have some grocery stores here in Tejas named "Tom Thumb". So one day he walks into the room where Kristena is sitting and a Tom Thumb commercial comes on and he laughs and says "Tom Thumb that is funny but Tom Butt would be even more funny!" He continues to try and out think Kristena and I. He sometimes does. The other days he was in a mood and was being really extra rotten and I was getting on to him and I said "Tyler I thought you said you were going to be good today." He looked at me and said "Daddy I did not say I would be good all day." I did not read the fine print so in this case I will take the blame.

We finally have started to make our little house a home and started painting a couple of the rooms. We started with the babies room because she was basically living in Kristena's scrap room and we thought we should get her into her permanent digs. We painted the room a nice light shade of purple and got her all moved in today. Then Kristena painted the girls bathroom a very hot pink. In the pictures it looks a little red but when you walk in it is really hot pink!!! Kaitlyn loves it and Tyler thinks its great and now he says pink is his favorite color.

Well that's it for now. Sorry to all who I have not responded to your blogs. Lauren is in her own room and i have no more excuses. Kristena is starting a cake decorating class tomorrow and we are all looking forward to tasting her homework!

Here are some pics from the last 60 days!


Anonymous said...

What a nice family you have! Kids are adorable! The house looks great! Good to read a new post!!
Love to all,

Anonymous said...

glad you are back to writing cause i've missed it. reading your blog always makes me laugh. the pics are great! your house is beautiful and i love the color of the girls bathroom and laurens room. the pic of kaitlyn in the living room is so funny cause it makes her look soooo tiny against all your HUGE furniture! love to all. grandma & sydney.
p.s. sydney has a boyfriend!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, welcome back to blog world. The baby's room is a real pretty shade of purple. I like the bathroom.

What your you going to tackle next? I wish we were closer to enjoy the fruits of Kristena's labor.

Tyler has that I am thinking look. Not ready to make a major move but contemplating the consequences first. He is a cutie.

Well, project ahead and I will see what I can do in a few months. Probably around March and April. Already people are not sure what to do if I am off a whole week.

Love to you all. Hey a PS there is a code you need to use to get tickets call me


Anonymous said...

i'm glad you are back.I loved the pictures and your house is beautiful. Your children is beautiful also. I'm like your Mom, sure wish we lived closer to you. We plan to leave for Fl. the 20th. of this mo. I'm glad you still have a great sense of humor.We love all of you. Grandma H.

Keetha Broyles said...

Thanks for the new post - - - I always LOVE reading your posts!!!

Anonymous said...

Big John,

Do you have an updated email address you could shoot to me?

Chad Harvey

Anon said...

Getting caught up again!

Love what you guys have done with the house. You're really blessed John.

I think it's cool how you guys had a surprise reunion. That's awesome!