November 3, 2007

Fall in Florida... I mean Texas or whereever we are!

Well it is fall and unlike Florida we actually have that season here in the Big D. It has been cool enough a couple nights to kick the heat on which means that the place smelled like new furnace all night. That was of course after I climbed through the attic to switch on the gas to the furnace because the builder after testing the units turned it off. Imagine my big old self trying to not miss a rafter as to not have my Chevy Chase moment and come shooting through the ceiling. It was quite funny. Even funnier was to see me try to stretch my midget legs across the piles of stuff to get back on the ladder which actually screamed as I navigated back down it.

Well this last week has seen us doing lots of fun things here starting with taking the little ankle biters to the pumpkin patch. This was especially fun for Kristena because as you might have gathered she is a little on the cheap side and this little event was free to the public. You only paid for your refreshment of choice if you choose to buy one and for a pumpkin if you chose to purchase one. There were no requirements but they had a train for the kids to ride, little house to climb in and some of the inflatable sweat boxes that kids can't get enough of. The all come out of them smelling like sweaty gym socks with a dash of latex. But it wears them out and they sleep so well after 6-8 hours in the them who can deny them that fun. This was little Lauren's first trip to look at the great pumpkins and as you will be able to tell by the photos she had a blast. She sat in the midst of the pumpkins for about an hour just smacking them and occasionally falling over but never cried. Kaitlyn loved running up the haystack and jumping off like the Bionic Woman and Tyler well he loved playing in the pretend houses slamming the doors and telling the other kids that this was his house and to get out. At the end of the day all of the kids past out in the car and Kristena and I stopped at our favorite restaurant for a nice dinner while they slept in the van. We parked the van close to a window so we could watch the car and they only cried during dessert so that is okay right???

The second big event here was Halloween. We thought about canceling but the chance to have the kids go around and collect candy that we won't allow them to eat so that Kristena and I have plenty to eat at night was too great to pass up. As is our new tradition, one we started when we were in Florida, we went to a local church and did their version of trunk or treat. Now before I move on I need to step up on my soap box concerning dressing our children for Halloween. The following costumes are in no way shape or form acceptable for children to wear:
Hooker(or other outfits depicting ladies in the worlds oldest profession)
Stripper(I ain't talking about the stuff you use to get paint off a board)
Wench (Not what you use to get a truck out of a ditch)
Chipendales Dancer(No boy should have a bow tie as his only article of clothing on the top half of his body)

Now a note to the parents especially you ladies out there if the top is too small to hold the girls in check maybe this shirt is not appropriate to wear to an event where there are small children. Especially if they are prone to shoot out and displace the eye of a small child every time you bend down to place candy in your child's bag. In addition, a note to all of the wanna be Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders out there. They do not hold additions at the local Church Halloween Festival. They are especially not looking for anyone wearing the top half the outfit that has more wire running under neath the top half of it than the San Francisco bridge. You will also find it hard to make the team if you are in your late 40's and have a gut like mine showing through your outfit. (just helpful hints from Big John). Finally to the men out there it is never ever acceptable to have your butt crack as a part of your costume. It does not matter if you paint eyes on side of it and pretend its a smile it is still not something any of us wants or needs to see. So if the pants don't stay up then buy some suspenders or cover it with a long shirt but please let's leave the cracks to the sidewalks.

Well the other big event is that Lauren is starting to do some baby sign language. Her only sign so far is for milk. She does it kind of half heartedly sometimes when we ask her to like we are bothering her. And then there are other times she does it like her little life is depending on it. Tyler learned this sign first as well and loved to show off but Lauren is a little more shy than Tyler. In addition, she has begun to crawl a little. She is not up on her hands and knees but she is getting where she wants to go. She is also very aware of when Kristena and/or I leave a room. Depending on who is her favorite that day that person had better not leave her without taking her with them. If not you will get the world's saddest cry from the world's cutest girl.

The other two big kids are doing well. Tyler continues to push his limits and the limits of our sanity as he learns his boundaries. He has declared himself the parent of one or all of his animals and this has given him unlimited authority of all of us. There are many Tylerisms that I will post in the top ten sometime but for now just pray that God gives us the patience to keep from putting a lock on the outside of his door and sliding his food underneath his door until he is 18. Kaitlyn just got her first report card (grade card for the older crowd) and got straight A's for the first 9 weeks of the year. Based on inflation and the cost of everything today we figure we have to pay $800 an A in order for this to help pay for her college.

The final highlight of our house is Kristena has started taking cake decorating classes at the local Michaels. I have placed a few pics of her first few cakes. I think she did a great job. Anyway until next time I am signing off. Go Bucks! Go Cowboys! and GO ME!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

It is about time to read a new blog and show off those grandchildren of mine. They are just too cute. I am one lucky grandma. Two handsome dudes close by and bah humbug the other wonderful three too far away. I am just wondering how Kristena will get my birthday cake here in one piece.

Love you all


Kim said...

Thanks for the laughs...I have to agree with the costume limits but I also think there should be an age limit on trick or treat...if you are 15 and not dressed in a costume and are carrying a walmart bag...MAYBE you are too old. I must say Josh really got into it this year while we were trick or treating...he would wait for the person to reach in their bowl for the next kid and he would grab a handful for himself and then take off running. And if he got caught...he just smiled and kept walking. Too funny. I can't wait for our next trip to Texas...maybe March or April. Thanks for the blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi you all away down in Texas. I to thought it was time for a new bog. I aways enjoy all of your blogs. So you all keep it up. Kim ordered your pictures for us.We loved all of them. The kids are growing and getting cuter all the time. I sure would love to see them. I hope we can come somtime and see where you live and best of all see all of you. Do you think you will get back up in Ohio to see us sometime?Love all of you. Grandma & Grandpa

Anonymous said...

Kids are too cute! Looks like you all are adjusting just fine to Texas! We miss you and hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
Love ya,

Kelley said...

I needed this today! I had tears streaming as I read so I had to share with a co-worker who came in the room and they too enjoyed it! I miss you bunches! The kids are adorable!!!! Love you!