June 2, 2007

Aren't you the world famous Huffeldink....

Well it has been a while since my last post (except my ode to my little wife)so let's catch you up from April. In the last month, for those of you who did not have time to get my gift in the mail (Marsha, Kelley, Andrea, Rodney, Scott and actually the list really does go on) I turned 35 years old. Now as most of my blogger nation is nearing eligibility for retirement this may not seem that old but to my wife who constantly reminds me she is only now 27 this seems ancient. While I had hoped that the company I work for would declare my birthday a national holiday they did not so I spent my day at the office. I did get to spend the evening with my wife and kids at Tire Kingdom as on the way to my birthday dinner Kristena blew out a tire.(too much off roading in the mini van) After paying for a new tire we attempted a quick dinner at the local IHOP (kids pick) which ended up with a screaming baby and Kristena and I finishing our meal at home.

The good news is I am continuing to downsize my cute and cuddly frame from XXXXL to XXL. I have lost a whopping 58 lbs as of Thursday which is great unless I remember how much more I have left to lose which is somewhere between a small town in Rhode Island and 100+ lbs. I am less than half way there but the good news for me it is only making me cuter. Which I thought was almost impossible but seems to be happening. How you ask??? It seems that the extra fat I was carrying was preserving my rugged good looks and as I shed the pounds it is allowing them to surface even more. I am thinking about selling this beauty secret on the internet as the Hostess Transformation Plan. Eat all you want for 5 years then shed those pounds to reveal the more beautiful you. Only costs you three clogged arteries and some stretch marks, bad knees and a belly button you put a flag in.

On the job front things are interesting. As you might imagine being told that in a few short months your job is disappearing can shake your confidence a little. And then after a month and several interviews later to be faced with the reality that you are not the only fish swimming in the job hunt pond is also a little sobering. But this last week has been a very suprising week with a few new opportunities persenting themselves and some interviews scheduled for next week. These least favorable of these is a job way out west in Portland, Oregon. When I told Kristena about it all she knew is that it is where the Little People from the TLC show are from (we think). And how cool would it be to have little neighbors? Of course they could not help change a light bulb or get anything off a tall shelf but they seem like a lot of fun. The opportunities all are pointing to a possible move which means more stress and more grey hair which means more people thinking that I am Kristena's dad and not her husband.

The kids are doing great and getting bigger everyday. Kaitlyn just finished first grade and was not excited for the year to end. She has developed into a social butterfly that likes to make new friends. It was also the end of Brownies for this year which means thankfully we can begin planning our cookie buying stragety for next year. Tyler well.... "he likes to move it, move it". That is his new favorite song from the movie Madagasgar (?) Actually, he sings every where we go. We can be heading down the toy aisle at Target and he will burst out in song. He seems to learn something new everyday. Some of it is good and well some of it is...
Lauren has discovered that her hands taste like chocolate or it least it seems that way. It is good she does not have teeth or we would have to rename her "knuckles". We have finally found her tickle spot and she finally gave us a little chuckle. There is nothing more heavenly than a baby's first laugh although the sound of all three kids being asleep at the same time before 10:00 is pretty close.

Well I am going to post a big slide show of pics so that all of you can see that really we do have gorgeous children. I asked Kristena how we got such good looking children and she said "Honey, with your boyish good looks how could they have been ugly?" That's when I woke up and she was telling me to go get Lauren because she was crying. It was a good dream though. Hope you all still enjoy my nonsense!


Anonymous said...

So it is three in the morning and I am sitting in a perfectly dark room reading your new blog. So what can I say. _________

You are too much. I think for us to get the full affect you need to do a full body shot. Glad you posted the pics. I took some to Marsha's to show them off. Hazel was there with Brenda and Roberta.

Well, big Daddy you and big Mamma take care and as always I loved the blog. I needed the laugh.


Kelley said...

Hey John! So, fun to read a post! You're present must have gotten lost in the mail, just like my last dozen presents! :) Happy Belated Birthday! I'll be turning 36 here in a few short weeks so I totally feel your pain. It's not so much fun, but at least most of my friends are older than me so it makes me feel young! :) The kids are adorable! BTW- Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome! I admire you. I'm still struggling to get started. It takes a while for me to mentally gear up for diets. :) I'll be heading your direction here in a few days. Sue and I and her niece are spending a week at Disney. Well, hope to hear from you more often. BTW- where's the comment on my blog???

Kelley said...

Okay, have to appologize! You did comment on my blog! ha! I'm so sorry!

Anonymous said...

What an accomplishment on your wt. loss.How did you do it? We are very proud of you. I expect you feel better also. We have been busy around here. I didn't think we would be after we moved.We enjoyed your blog so much. You always make it fun. Love, Grandmna

Kim said...

Funny! I needed the laugh. I have been thinking about losing weight lately but every time I do, I have an anxiety attack and when I have an anxiety attack, I eat. So I have decided...I am not going to think about it anymore and maybe I will just starve.

Thanks for always making us laugh with your blogs.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the post and the picture slides. Kids are beautiful and know that you so proud of them! Great job on the diet! I keep thinking about starting, I just keep putting it off! BAD, BAD, BAD!! keep up the good work!

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

Love the pictures! I still can't get over how much Zeke and Tyler look alike...especially the picture of him with the sunglasses and pink shoes...the other day I caught Ezekiel wearing pink Crocs, a Barbie helmet and Thomas the Train underoos riding his bike down the driveway. Whenever he acts like this we all say..."Quirky...", 'cuz that's what he is! They never fail to make us laugh! Congrats on the weight loss, impressive!

Keetha Broyles said...

I know you don't know me - - - but that won't stop me from commenting anyway!!!!

I am a blogging friend of Anon's (she calls me "Funny Lady") and my M-I-L has found your site through hers and told me I MUST read it.

She was right!!!! You are a hoot!!!

I'm putting you in my bookmarks, and since I am a TALKER - - - you'll be hearing more from me soon.

Keetha Broyles said...

Happy Father's Day, Big John