April 8, 2007

Grandma was here and other haps from the wild side.....

Well I realize it takes me a while to get from post to post. The fact of the matter is that we are busy really, really busy. With the addition of Lauren to our family we have very little time for writing, sleeping or other general things. Actually the real reason is that the computer is still is in Lauren's room and I type like I am trying to hammer a nail through a piece of steel and that for some reason keeps her from going to sleep.

Anyway....last week we were excited to have Kristena's mom, sister and brother come down and visit for a few days. Once we told the kids that they were coming the quickly divided the group. Everyone wanted to spend the night with grandma in the hotel and then Kaitlyn wanted to play every game we have in our house with Aunt Sydney and Tyler decided that he and Uncle Nick would be best friends. Tyler was so excited to have Uncle Nick come that he made me stand outside on the porch watching for their car. Once they were here Nick and Tyler were could not be separated. Kaitlyn did make Sydney play every game we had and everyone went to the hotel and spent the night with Grandma just like they planned. Luckily for Grandma Huskey we had laid out the ground rules before they left in order to make sure that Security was not called. We figured that they might receive a life time ban if that happened again.

The second day here was spent shopping and grandma doing what grandma's do best and that is spoiling the little beggers. Which is what they become once the realize that someone is actually going to buy them something. Kaitlyn got some new duds and a candy vending machine and Tyler got big boy boxer briefs and a new truck and trailer along with a lot of other things. Tyler got new underwear because.........
*****************************HE'S POTTY TRAINED*************************************
That's right other than a few minor night time slips he goes all day long!!!! We have not changed a Tyler diaper in 3 weeks 6 mins and 37 secs. and for that there can be no words of thanks. Unfortunatly, my mom is nearing the age where someone will need to change her diaper so one out one right back in : ).(just kidding becuase we are hiring that one out). Well back to my story....We had an awesome time with Leslie, Sydney and Nick. She even brought something for Kristena and I 2 cases of chips. And by cases I mean cases. She has a solid contact, a really close "friend" named Doug who works for Frito Lay and he delivered. Luckily, Doug had heard that I was trying to downside and sent us a case of the baked Lay's and the rest were the individual bags for the kiddies lunches. With Kristena's other stockpiles and the new chips we are looking to screen in the back porch and add some selves. So thanks to Doug and Leslie we don't have to buy chips until Tyler starts college!

Today is Easter and while the reason for the holiday has nothing to do with a bunny or a bunch of eggs we still decorated the eggs and rushed around last night to put together the easter baskets. Last year at Easter Tyler was just coming out of the hospital and was in no mood for anything but this year was a special year because it was our first as a family of five. Of course Lauren was in bed when Kaitlyn and Tyler went through the Easter Baskets and was awaken to the sounds of Tyler saying "THANK YOU EASTER BUNNY FOR MY CARS!" at the top of his lungs. The Easter egg hunt was a little different than last year because it was freezing down hereI this year. It is somewhere in the 50's today and that is about 35 degrees cooler than it has been this week. We went from shorts to jackets and sweats.

Well I think that is it for now. It is time for me to find the couch and pass out for a little while. Oh by the way lost 5 pounds and hoping that dinner and dessert today did not hurt that too much. Anyway Happy Easter to all of you!!!


Anonymous said...

Lauren looks so cute and she looks so big. I love her little toes they seem to be saying I am so excited I can hardly wait to walk.
Glad you had such a good visit with the family. I think the next time we should look for motel like Marsha gets that has a pool for the kids to swim.

Love the pictures and update.


Kelley said...

Looks like you had a great time. Lauren sure is getting big and what a cutie! Miss ya!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you did another blog. I always chick to see. i'm so glad you all had a good time with Kristene's family. It sounds like you will be eating chips a long long time. And Lauren is so cute you feel like you want to love on her. We loved the pictures. these came through good. Sure would love to see you before going home.My heart cath was Ok. Love. Grandma

Kim said...

OOPS...thought I had commented already. The kids look great. It makes you seem even OLDER!!! LOL. Anyway...love you guys and miss you badly.

Your sis,

Anonymous said...

What cuties!! You did good!! :)
You will have to make a trip up so we can love on them a little bit!!
Looks like you had a good time with
family. That is always fun!!