December 13, 2009

A quick post about my sister

Awhile ago I was going to post this about my sister Kim. She went through what I would term a messy divorce. I don't know why I never posted it but I feel like now is a good time to post it. I love my sister and that does not mean that we don't fight or get angry with one another but she will always be my little sister. Anyway what I wrote...

So as many of you know my sister is going through a divorce. It is tough for her and for her boys. And rather than dwell on the things that are transpiring and pointing out that in times of stress and great conflict we find the true character of those around us I realized how much all of this makes me appreciate who my sister is. My sister and I have always been close my mom claims that we share a brain. I don't know that I would agree although we can finish each others thoughts. She is the funniest person I know and one of the few people who can make me belly laugh. So as I watch from my hut here in Texas as she struggles with what to do I am amazed on all she continues to try to do. How do I help transition my family from 4 to 3? How do I explain to my boys what is happening without turning their dad into the bad guy even if some of his decisions are not in their best interest? How do I share my struggles with people without them taking a side?

As her brother I watch helplessly not knowing what to tell her what can I do to help her. I want the best for her and in some small (more small somedays than other) the best for him. I wish that my baby sister did not have to walk this journey without me there to help her and I wish she did not have to make these decisions without a map of what the future will look like. I wish many things that I can not make happen but one thing that makes me sleep a little better at night is that my sister is strong. When I went through some of the toughest times in my life when I did not see an end to my trials she was right there. She picked me up and made me laugh or just listened when I was ready to give up. I beleive that people may underestimate her determination and her desire to insure that her boys are taken care of. I hope that at the end of the day that God will give her the peace that He has his hand in her and the boys life and that He will insure they are provided for even if money isn't there and the situation may seem hopeless.

So while I will continue to worry about her, I know that she has the strength of character, strength in God and the capacity to do anything. One day I hope I can grow up to be just like her.

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