December 5, 2006

Sorry it has been so long.... Part Duex

Well it has been way to long. I checked and it has been over 30 days and here I sit with very little to share. Much like the rest of my family it has been a long few months. My dad as most of you know is in the midst of lung and brain cancer and he does not have a lot of time left. The cancer that is cruelest is the brain cancer. It has taken some of his speech away and is slowly taking his hearing. He is doing as well as can be expected and even though he stills has seizures he seems to be trying to keep his spirits up. Despite his cancer and the difficulty he is having he is still in there and every once in awhile his sense of humor comes out. He has always been a funny guy in his own irreverent way. The other day he was trying to tell me something and his mouth would not move with his thoughts and the words were getting jumbled and he paused and just simply said "oh sh##!" as clear as a bell. Now to some this might be offensive but to me it let me know that he is still in there and despite his current condition he still has some fight left. I am off this week to see him again this weekend to hopefully take him out to get some lobster something he has never tried and well he is trying get some of those "I will do it later" boxes checked off.

Now on to better updates. If you have ever read this blog you know that my son is a little me. He has no idea that he is a little guy and he believes he is an adult. The other morning while I was getting his cereal before I left for work he walked into the living room where Kristena was eating her cereal on the couch and sat down. Then sitting there with a sly little smile on his face he looked at her and said "hey, what you eating baby?" Say what? Now before you think I call my wife baby I do not. We have no idea where he heard this but he thought he was the cutest kid ever. He just sat there and smiled that proud smile as if he had just told the greatest joke ever. My wife and I nearly wet ourselves laughing. He is full of these little gems. Yesterday I checked my voice mail and on it was a message from him and he is screaming at the top of his lungs "Mama is making me lose my mind!" I am sure that it was the other way around but he thinks it is great to tell her that at various points during the day.

Kaitlyn is well... ever the princess. She got her first report card and on it she got straight A's. She is growing so fast that we may have to put Kristena back to work to keep her in clothes. The things that she is learning in First grade have me in awe. They are currently starting basic geometry and last night she had homework on vertices and some other stuff I don't remember. I would check her work before she turns it in and make sure she has the right answers but I took geometry almost 20 years ago and I have had to delete a lot of that information in order to make room for more(some would say I never really learned it but hey they probably don't post to this blog!). Since I last posted we bought Kaitlyn all new "big" girl furniture. She loves it. Mostly because it came with a desk that she can write at. It is perfect for her and hopefully it will hold up until she gets married. Of course she is not allowed to date until she is 40 so we may have to replace the mattress before then. Buying her new furniture meant that Tyler got her old stuff. And with the new baby on the way the room that was Kristena's scraproom is now going to be the baby's room and that meant buying new furniture for what was the kids play area so Kristena had a place to scrapbook. So that is the real reason I have not posted. I am exhausted from building furniture. Back in the old days I would pretend I did not know how to do it and Tom would come down and do all of the hard work but he refused to get on a plane or drive all the way to Florida so Kristena and I (with Kaitlyn and Tyler's help) did it all. I think we did I pretty good job!

Kristena is ready to have the baby and she is doing very well. She has been tired some but has been feeling better than she had there for a while. The next few months will fly by as we get ready for the next little Jones baby. The other day I was thinking about an old friend of mind. He is a pastor in WV and I had not spoken to him in about 5 years. Not because of anything we just lost touch. So I fired off an e-mail. And guess what he is still out there. It is always nice to have someone that no matter how long it has been you kind of just pick up where you left off. You know they are a good friend when one of their e-mails tells you that you must have had a face transplant because your wife is way to pretty to be married to the guy he remembers. I have a couple of friends from college like that. So to Harv and Rod thanks for being those friends that I can always call. And Scooter while I have not known you that long (or I would have fixed that walk better by now) you and I are long lost brothers the only difference is you got the brains and I got the looks!

Good Night All and enjoy the pics!


Kim said...

It is about time...
I am surprised I get the first comment, usually mom beats me to the punch. I can't wait to see you. I am all about living for today now that I am faced with watching someone I love not have anymore tomorrows. I had the same conversation with Dad the other day where his speech got in the way and he said the same thing. How funny. I even told mom that I knew he was still himself because he was able to get that part out. Anyway...thanks for the comment on my blog. LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great. you need to do this more. my only chance to see them grow up. Little Santa is going to enjoy Christmas this year. Kaitlyn's furniture is beautiful. I love the posts on the sides. She will get a lot of years out of the furniture. 40 years huh? I love it that you use the bright colors. Tyler's room is really cute. I am afraid to try those bold colors. I have been amazed at how they look once on. Looking forward to you being here although I wish it were for other reasons. Give everyone a big hug.
They should hug you back, so you don't feel bad.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

kaitlyns new furniture is so great. i'm sure shes enjoying and loving it. sure tyler is excited about his 'new' furniture too. his room is so bright! orange? looks great. ya have done a fantastic job of getting everything in order. i almost wet my pants reading about what tyler said to kristena! that's hilarious! christmas gifts are on their way and the others will be in the mail in a few days. wish ya could be here or we could be there but finances aren't on my side right now. looking to come for a couple days in february after baby comes. love and miss all of you. john have a safe trip and enjoy the time with your dad.

Anonymous said...

Finally, I was getting so bored!! Need new blogs! Need new blogs!! My new favorite phrase!! I loved the pictures of the kids rooms!! I know they must be in heaven!! Stop and see us if you have the time this weekend!
Aunt Marsha

Anonymous said...

Had a great time visiting! Wish we could do it more often. Check out the blog, I finally got the pictures posted. Love ya!

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

How exciting! Is there anything better than redecorating? Is Kristena as anal as I am? Organization just gives me a little thrill! It all looks amazing. Keep up the updating!

Anonymous said...

Is that your house so neat in those pictures? Not what I remember from Oakwood dorm!


Anon said...

Nice rooms.

Had fun reading your update. Have been praying for you and your family as your dad is going through this time.